Friday, August 28, 2009

Reading Response

Mateo's poetic approach to "How to draw up a project" expresses a conventional process from an abstarct beginning to a concrete end. From the professors at the school architecture, I was taught to start a project with concept phase. More vague and amorphous concepts were favored by many of the professors. As the outcome of the process, solid projects with precise details were the ones receiving praises.

I understand a sentece from the reading, but I do not agree with it. The sentece is that "If a project is a process, it is a process with a fixed direction." If there is only one direction for projects, the projects would look the same (I guess his opinion is somewhat true as there are so many similar buildings in the world). Zaha Hadid mentioned her opinion about not choosing the right angles for her buildings. She said, "why choose the same one?... there are 360 ways to choose from." (this is not the exact quote...sorry). Kahn's apporach of "the immeasurable... through the immeasurable" has taken different rhythm to accomplish his projects.

In order to draw a project, architect should be able to explore and explain his or her concept with structure and other means to bring it to life. The space & the quality of experience which exist within the project shall be the most important factor.